Came Backed From Dinner 0.0 Steamboat , Nice C:
With My Younger Aunt , popo , Younger Cousin (Twin) , Younger Sister , mama and Me
At Dai Seng Bou There ----- HouHou , Very Full now >< Ate a lot :D
Total : RM110.60 , WOW...Long Time Din eat Steamboat ady
Can't Go Sleep Now >< I Didn't Like FAT
Take a Exercise Before Sleep ? xDD
Tomorrow Skull Days , Got a bit Lazy >< But Play in Skull Feeling Nice
I Didn't Like My Lazy Loh , Every Time Let My Family Scold >_<
Change Myself bah C: Change to Good ? Best ? XD
Dream PLZ =.......................=" SAD
My mama Scolded Me ady , Called Me Sleep Now
GoodNight -,-