Bac skull take result ><"
My result >< mou ngan tai arkz
All bad so !!
But result...比我想象中的好
Never thinkz it can Lulus one @@
Not at all lahh xD
Juz 5 Lulus and 3 Gagal =(
And my MATH
So surprise lehh zz
Can get "C" haha
Not thinkz so lolz get "C" zz
My Math very bad =(
When i still study in 小学
My Math Lulus one -_-
When naik jorr tingkatan !!
Math Gagal always T.T
Sooooo SAD ><" all BAD
When finish taking result
葡萄蔷 ask me wan to go Mines mou waa
haha...hou arkz =) nice
With arh Mon mama also ^^ we 3 person only
( We photo =.=" in toilet xD )
I sit 葡萄蔷's mama car go Mines
She also lahh @@ sit her mama car =)
1st Time arkz lolz 说去就去了 xD
Feeling Niceeee ^_______^
Merry Christmas =)
Todayz so Naught arkz ><" All tipu family !!
All said go Cheras Jusco there
其实 !! T.T We go KL de =.="
We cheat family becoz scare them dun let us go jehh
Last dayz and dayz...Newspaper there wrote
" 4 girlz gv 10 boyz 强奸 " at Ipoh there de
Family mus scare de lohh
自己的孩子女儿 worr
Mus dun let us go KL de lohh...far mah
HaiZ ><" so Naught
So sorry to FAMILY =(
We went KL by Metro bus
Arh Dii , me , popo Yan , and 1 biao jie
We went there...becoz arh Dii wan to bought a skull bag =)
Walked ar walked ar walked
Arh Dii unlike Time Square there sell de bag
Then we went Sungai Wang there lohh zz
Still walked ar walked ar walked
Walked in a BAG SHOP @@ !!
At Last @@ arh Dii 看中 jorr !! Hurray !! zz
终于决定了 !! she bought jorr =)
No nid turn here turn there le ^___^
Then we =.=" turn bac Time Square again zz
Sungai Wang there very hot eer ><" Time Square better ><"
Still walked again lolz inside the Time Square
花时间 xD
5.++ pm ~~ nid to came bac lohh
Sit Metro bus again zz RM2.50 bac Serdang
Inside the bus
Arh Dii so funny
Shout jorr a " AHH " @@
" 我忘记要跟你拍照啊 " =.=" very zhadou
Then -_- photo lohh...Dii like xD
Took photo inseide the Metro bus
Ours "1st" pic xD
1st time photo together o.O !!
Mus save it FOREVER ><" =)
Keep properly ^____^
Happy todayz arkz !! =)
Really so happy arkz !! xD
Remember this Christmas in my Life ^___^ 25.12.09