Yesterday , mama go 查家宅
Baibai said me cant go 海边 ply water eeR , swimming pool can
But , dun go better x( scare dunno gt wad problem to me
And , mama ask baibai there , “我听不听话”
Baibai said , 妈妈说 1 句我就说 5 句 , 本领顶嘴 =(
Aiksss T________________T
Juz now afternoon , Dii's younger bro so funny
Wan my pphotograph , i ask him why , and he din said any things
Juz call me wait !! wait !! wait !! LoL
Then he send back a pic to me -__- he edited one
Siad me juz study finish from 美利坚合众国哈佛大学 graduation edy
MBA tim @@ !! Very zhadao niaa
While i saw this pic , i can do the 1st things is LAUGH =D
Really laugh sei xDD , wan my pic becoz wan to edit this for me...ahaha
But...i like it ^^ , you really so funny arkz...Ah 持
AND !! wahahahahaha , this more laugh sei xDDD
Dii's younger bro , wan the photograph again
But wan his sister one =)
I ask him why again , then he said...also edit it , wahahaha
I gv a special photograph to him , Arh Dii one
While Arh Dii see it , she will scold and call me delete it =D
Look , 老年痴呆证 ^_____^
全球老年癡呆管理中心頒發的 xDDD
Really laugh sei me loh !! wahahahahahahahahha
This 老年痴呆证 so nice niaa , haha
Arh Dii , why u so good one , can get it x)
~~~ I envying loh ~~~
Stop ~~~ laugh XD
Ur good younger bro especially to make for you =)
While you see it , i noe you will scold him getget x(
Whatever , dun so angry ^____^
Juz drank jor some KICKAPOO , let me find jorr toilet !! zz
KICKAPOO gt virus T.T drank jor go find toilet one , no good no good
Next time i will never drink it again -________- stomachache one
!@#$%^&*()_+||+_))(*^%^%$##@! KICKAPOO